This was the case in San Clemente, California, in 2013. For more than 40 years, the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station produced electricity for the homes and businesses in the area. In 2013, the plant was decommissioned somewhat unexpectedly, leaving a gaping hole in the region’s power generation mix.
The California Public Utilities Commission requires a sufficient Planning Reserve Margin - excess generation on-hand to handle peak loads which is often needed in Southern California’s stifling heat. Generation from other nearby power plants helped fill the gap, but they were still short on other needs for stable grid operation like short circuit power, inertia and voltage regulation. The California Independent System Operator said that an alternative means of voltage support was necessary. The utilities and power producers turned to Siemens Energy for a solution. Seven Siemens Energy synchronous condensers now operate in the area, providing the missing grid requirements and stabilizing the network.