How can the oil and gas industry decrease costs, improve safety, increase uptime, and lower emissions?
Connected Worker for fewer expert mobilizations
With 80% of offshore accidents caused by human and organizational factors, companies are constantly seeking ways to protect employees and protect the environment. Connected worker technology can empower offshore teams to collaborate in real time with specialized onshore experts.
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Risk and condition based maintenance campaigns
Knowing how equipment fails allows you to make the appropriate maintenance decisions at the right time. Proactively avoiding equipment failure is what separates a profitable O&G business apart from the rest.
Redesign to reduce manual and operation maintenance tasks by designing changes to automate routine inspections and operator actions.
Extended MTBO, lower tool time
OEM expertise to maximize MTBO with flexible maintenance intervals based on operating conditions.
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Less Downtime
Remote Diagnostic Services for real time OEM analysis to reduce downtime and maximize performance.
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Cyber security
Like other equipment, cyber security is most effective within a trusted ecosystem of partners, allowing you to focus on your core O&G business while expects proactively implement mitigating actions.
Cyber Security
Optimized: Production Energy usage Emissions
There is a lot that the industry could do today to reduce the environmental footprint of its own operations.. Minimizing emissions from core oil and gas operations should be a first-order priority for all, whatever the transition pathway.