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Introduced to the market in 1952, the Siemens Energy TA Gas Turbine is a two-shaft industrial engine. The initial release to market was the TA1250; however, with various up rates throughout the years, the final release product was the TA2500 in 1983. Most of the fleet is the TA1750 with a power output of 1,810 bhp (PG) and 1,875 bhp (MD) at full load speed of 6,000 rev/min (PG) and 6,600 rev/min (MD) under ISO conditions.
Contact us
As the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Siemens Energy Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd. benefits from a global network of expertise and designs, manufacturers, sells and offers service support products for gas turbines and their associated equipment, to suit the specific service requirements of each operator.
Our offerings range includes:
The TA is a proven unit in service for nearly 70 years for all electrical power generation; mechanical load drives, including compression and pumping for use in both industrial power generation and Oil and Gas sectors. It offers operates on a wide range of gaseous and liquid fuels.
There are significant number of units still in service throughout the world, in the widely varying climatic conditions of Alaska, the Americas, Europe, the Middle and Far East.
- Significant fleet experience
Gas Generator
The axial compressor is flexibly coupled to the compressor turbine and the complete rotating assembly is supported in three bearings. These are carried in the rigid stator casings, which are split horizontally along the centre line of the rotor shaft to facilitate inspection of both the rotor and stator blades and bearings. A single large diameter combustion chamber is used, capable of burning a wide range of fuels.
The thirteen-stage compressor is a subsonic aerodynamic design with a pressure ratio of 4:1 at full load. Two sleeve bearings are used to carry the rotating assembly supported by the stator casing at the turbine end and the inlet casing at the compressor end. An anti-whirl type bearing is fitted at the compressor turbine end of the assembly and thrust loads are taken by a white metal lined double acting tilting pad bearing. Separate grooved discs are clamped together with a single through bolt to make up the rotor assembly. Stator blades are retained by dovetail roots in grooves machined on the stator casing which is split on the horizontal centre line to facilitate inspection of the rotor and stator assemblies.
Compressor Turbine
The two-stage turbine which is flexibly coupled to the compressor rotor, has a full load speed of approximately 12,000rev/ min.
Power Turbine
The discs of the two-stage free power turbine and the rotor blades are manufactured from alloys to meet the engine duty. The blades are fixed into the discs by the traditional fir tree root method and secured by peening. The use of two stages gives low stress levels and maintains a safe overspeed capability. There are no critical speeds within the operating speed range. Two sleeve bearings support the power turbine rotor shaft which are carried in the robust gear casting to which is secured the support arm for the stator casing. Thrust loads are taken by a white metal lined tilting pad thrust bearing.
Control system
The compensating hydraulic governor, that controls the quantity of fuel delivered to the combustion chamber, is gear driven from the power turbine. It controls the turbine over the full power range and allows output speed to be controlled. Starting may be either from a 24-volt D.C. electric motor or by a gas starter motor driving through a Bendix drive on to the turbine axial compressor shaft. When operating on gaseous fuels the pilot igniter can be supplied with gas from the main fuel system via a pressure reducing valve. For engines burning liquid fuel the igniter gas supply is taken from a gas bottle or similar source of supply. The control equipment is housed in two cabinets mounted in the turbine under base, the hydraulic control cabinet housing the engine instruments, pressure switches a servo system component while the electrical control cabinet contains the associated relays, timers, wiring and terminals, the selection switches, the annunciator panel, and the T Max temperature indicator.
The turbine is fitted with devices to shut down the turbine in the event of:
In the event of high lubricating oil temperature or high cycle temperature, a visual and audible warning is given before shutdown values are reached
Engine Auxiliaries
During starting and for the cooling period after shutdown, lubricating oil is supplied by a D.C. electric motor-driven auxiliary lubricating oil pump. The main engine pump is driven through the auxiliary gear train from the output shaft. Oil cooling is by either an air blast or water-cooled cooler to meet site requirements. The double helical gears have hardened teeth and are precision ground to ensure silent running and long working life. For direct drive to centrifugal pumps and compressors a shaft speed of 6,600 rev/min is provided. The engine is mounted on an under base with extended platforms on which the auxiliary components are installed. This also forms the lubricating oil tank.
Inspection of the internal components of the TA gas turbine is necessary only when a blade inspection is due, usually after 20,000 to 30,000 hours (3 years) running. The turbine can be rapidly opened for such inspections and can be carried out at site. The turbine rotors are retained by a single through bolt which is quickly removed to permit withdrawal of both compressor and power turbines.