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We rely on trustworthy supplier relationships. The Siemens Energy “Code of Conduct for Siemens Energy Suppliers and Third Party Intermediaries” is based on company-wide, mandatory requirements and processes to ensure the effective establishment of the specified environmental, compliance and labor standards across all countries of operations.
Siemens Energy wants to be perceived as an integral part of the national society and economy in all countries. Due to the huge diversity of conditions in which we purchase goods and services, this maxim of Siemens Energy business policy was considered in the principles of our Code of Conduct. It is based on – among others – the UN Global Compact and the principles of the International Labor Organization but also reflects the Siemens Energy “Business Conduct Guidelines”, which establish fundamental principles of sustainability and apply to the entire company.
Siemens Energy conducts business responsibly and in compliance with the legal requirements and governmental regulations of the countries in which we operate. Therefore, the company will under no circumstances tolerate illegal or non-compliant behavior. We have set ourselves globally binding Business Conduct Guidelines that require all employees and managers to behave in an ethical, law-abiding manner. Equally, Siemens Energy expects its partners to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
The Code of Conduct requires all Siemens Energy partners to ensure respect of all internationally proclaimed human rights by avoiding causation of and complicity in any human rights violations.
The core internationally recognized human rights are contained in the International Bill of Human Rights (consisting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, coupled with the principles concerning fundamental rights in the eight ILO core conventions as set out in the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work). Depending on circumstances, business enterprises may need to consider additional standards.Partners should pay heightened attention to ensuring respect of human rights of specifically vulnerable rights holders or groups of rights holders such as women, children or migrant workers, or of (indigenous) communities. Specifically, Siemens Energy expects its partners to respect the fundamental employment rights set out in international conventions of the United Nations (UN) and the International Labor Organization (ILO).
We demand the elimination of all forms of forced labor and our partners must contribute to this by implementing appropriate measures and control mechanisms – not only within their own organization but also in their supply chain, e.g. when using labor brokers, temporary employment agencies, etc. Under no circumstances can we accept that e.g. employees’ IDs are confiscated, salaries are not paid periodically or only after long periods, or physical or psychological pressure is put on employees or their families.
We expect you as our partner to:
Our partners shall promote equal opportunities and treatment of employees during the recruiting process and their employment period, irrespective of skin color, race, nationality, ethnicity, political affiliation, social background, disabilities, gender, sexual identity and orientation, marital status, religious conviction, or age.
They refuse to tolerate any unacceptable treatment of individuals such as mental cruelty, sexual harassment or discrimination including gestures, language and physical contact, that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative.
We expect from you as our partner the following:
Everyone has the right to fair remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity. Our partners, therefore, must pay appropriate wages and ensure reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. They recognize the legal rights of workers to form or join existing trade unions and to engage in collective bargaining; they neither disadvantage nor prefer members of employee organizations or trade unions. In the event of cross-border personnel deployment, all applicable legal requirements, especially with regard to minimum wages, must be adhered to.
We expect you as our partner to:
Siemens Energy expects its partners to take responsibility for the health and safety of their employees.
Your contribution, as a partner, to actively implementing the Code of Conduct regarding health and safety for employees is to fulfill minimum requirements, depending on the category (see also chapter “Health and safety management system – categorization according to the supplier’s size or type of activities”):
There is a clear commitment by management to occupational health and safety.
We defined stricter “Occupational Health and Safety Standards” for our contractors and made them mandatory in our procurement contracts. Important parts of this standard are the strict supplier selection and intensive training in each case before the contractor starts working on a Siemens Energy site/project.
The supplier’s relevance and responsibility in terms of occupational health and safety depends essentially on the type of activities that its employees perform. A distinction is therefore made between suppliers that perform solely administrative/management or advisory functions, e.g. sales- and marketing-related activities (category 1), and those who also manufacture products or in any other way process or rework products (category 2 or 3).
Category 1 suppliers are expected to provide evidence of compliance with following occupational health and safety requirements:
In addition to the requirements in Category 1, we expect Category 2 suppliers to provide:
Additionally, Category 3 suppliers have to show evidence of implementation of an occupational health and safety management system.
We therefore ask our partners to implement a grievance mechanism which can, depending on the size of the company, vary from a complaint box to a sophisticated electronic tool and/or access to an external ombudsperson.
A grievance mechanism must ensure anonymous reporting and must guarantee no negative consequences for all those who report a possible misconduct or a reasonable suspicion.
Practical actions for implementing a Grievance Mechanism may involve:
The compliance hotline “Speak up” is a secure way of reporting potential compliance violations. Reports can be submitted at any time of the day or night, anywhere in the world, in a safe, confidential and if desired, anonymous manner, either online or by telephone, in up to 13 languages. The call center and website are operated by an external provider specializing in the secure and confidential handling of sensitive content. Incoming reports are not traced and reporting parties are not automatically registered. The content of incoming reports is forwarded by the service provider to the Siemens Energy Corporate Compliance Office for clarification. The decision on further actions to be taken is made there. All reports are treated confidentially.
In addition to the compliance hotline “Speak up”, possible compliance violations can also be reported to the Siemens Energy ombudsperson. The attorney Dr. Sibylle von Coelln of the Dusseldorf law firm of HEUKING · VON COELLN Rechtsanwälte has been appointed to serve as an external ombudsperson for the company, in order to give employees a protected reporting channel for possible compliance violations. All our stakeholders can contact this impartial individual on a confidential and anonymous basis if they have observed any improper business practices in the company:
Dr. Sibylle von Coelln
HEUKING ∙ VON COELLN Rechtsanwälte
Prinz-Georg-Straße 104
40479 Düsseldorf
Tel: +49 211 44 03 57 76
“Speak up” can be reached via a secure external Internet server.
Siemens Energy environmental protection policy is based on global standards for environmental management. Where our products are concerned, we take a holistic approach to environmental protection, ensuring that all products are environmentally compatible during the whole product life cycle, from development through manufacturing and use, to reuse, recycling or disposal. We also expect you, our partners, to make every effort to protect the environment, and to keep the impact your activities have on it as low as possible. Among other things, we expect your environmental management policy to include the efficient use of energy and other resources.
Siemens Energy does not tolerate any form of corruption in its business dealings anywhere in the world.
This includes Siemens' Energy business dealing through our external partners.
Siemens Energy conducts business responsibly and in compliance with the legal requirements and governmental regulations of the countries in which we operate. Therefore, Siemens Energy expects its partners to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, in particular in the field of fair competition and antitrust and to respect intellectual property rights of others.
Antitrust law protects free, undistorted, and effective competition for the benefit of customers, companies, and society as a whole. Antitrust laws, amongst others, prohibit agreements and concerted practices between companies that restrict competition. Anticompetitive agreements include bid rigging, price agreements, market, customer, or territory allocations, and project agreements with competitors. Abusing a dominant position is also prohibited. Siemens Energy has a strict policy to act in compliance with antitrust laws and expects its contractual partners to do the same.
Inter alia, we expect you to handle confidential information from Siemens Energy and third parties, such as competitors, customers, and sales partners, with care. Furthermore, Siemens Energy expects its partners to respect the intellectual property rights of others, e.g. copyrights, patents and trademarks and trade secrets and to act within the limits of licenses granted (e.g. with respect to software).
We expect from you, our partner:
Employees should always act in the best interests of their company. Therefore, a conflict of interest exists if the interests of an individual or of his/her close personal relations diverge from those of the company to which the individual belongs.
Conflicts of interest can hinder the success of a company, lead to economic damages and also tarnish the company’s reputation if they become public, for instance, if the conflict of interest leads to uneconomical decisions, if customers go elsewhere because they lose confidence in the integrity of the company or if restricted information is disclosed as a result.
Siemens Energy’ partners undertake:
Money laundering is the disguising of the origin of money or other assets from criminal activities and moving them into the legitimate economy.
In addition to monetary support, terrorism financing may include other assets such as goods or merchandise. Siemens Energy strives to maintain business relationships only with reputable customers, partners, and companies whose business activities comply with legal requirements and whose financial resources are of legitimate origin.
How do you, as a partner, actively support us?
Siemens Energy’ partners undertake not to facilitate money laundering or terrorism financing, directly or indirectly
Personal data is information about specific or identifiable natural persons, such as name and address, photos, personnel number, bank data, digital identifiers, or health data.
The protection of personal data plays an important role in our digitized world. The loss or improper use of personal data can have serious consequences for the individuals concerned. It is therefore very important for Siemens Energy to ensure that this data is effectively protected and used only for legitimate purposes.
We expect from our partners:
As a globally operating company, Siemens Energy must comply with a wide variety of national and international customs, export control and embargoes regulations that govern and restrict the free movement of goods. Legal and related internal measures are anchored in our Internal Control Program Export Control (ICP EX) as well as our Internal Control Program Customs (ICP CU).
We expect from our partners:
Compliance with these regulations is essential to protect Siemens Energy and our global operations. In the same way, Siemens Energy expects from its partners that the applicable foreign trade regulations are carefully complied with when goods are traded or transported, services are provided, or other technical know-how or software is transferred, including checking regulations on EU and US sanctions lists.