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As we manage all procurement activities and supplier processes worldwide for our Business Areas Gas Services, Grid Technologies, Transformation of Industry, as well as Siemens Gamesa, this wide range of products requires a comprehensive document portfolio whose applicable purchasing conditions and supporting specifications must be transparently accessible to our suppliers.
What are we providing?
Barrier-free access to applicable quality, regulatory and ordering requirements, payment terms, checklists, and purchasing conditions. In concrete terms: this document pool ensures seamless access to information and materials for suppliers to interact with our procurement, finance, and supply chain teams.
Are you prepared to discover?
Organized by country, region and location, we have compiled all relevant information. Select the regional requirements for your purchasing and fulfillment processes and note the required purchase order specifications.
These documents are used by Siemens to communicate information to the global supply chain network. Read and download guidance materials supporting processes used by global supply chain network.
These documents are used by the Energy business to communicate information to the global supply chain network. These documents cover a diverse range of topics such as product legislation changes, new requirements regarding the supply of goods to the Energy business, product quality requirements, component identification processes, banned chemicals and much more.
Notices to Suppliers (NTS)
These documents are used by the Energy Business to communicate information to the global supply chain network. These documents cover a diverse range of topics such as product legislation changes, new requirements regarding the supply of goods to the Energy Business, product quality requirements, component identification processes, banned chemicals and much more.
Hier erhalten Sie wichtige Informationen rund um die Einführung von e-Rechnungen in Deutschland.
Für Rechnungsersteller ist die Einführung von e-Rechnungen ab 01.01.2025 freiwillig und wird Ende 2027 sukzessive verpflichtend; es besteht aber seitens des Rechnungsempfängers seit dem 01.01.2025 eine Empfangspflicht.
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Weitere Details entnehmen Sie bitte folgenden Informationen zum Download.
Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen via zur Verfügung.
Here you can download valid ordering terms and conditions for Duisburg plant.
For any specifications which are missing on this homepage, please request from the buyer responsible.
Hier erhalten Sie die für das Werk Duisburg gültigen Bestellbedingungen zum Download.
Fehlende Spezifikationen, die nicht auf der Homepage zu finden sind, fragen Sie bitte weiterhin bei dem zuständigen Einkäufer an.
Here you can download valid technical purchasing specifications for Muelheim plant.
You can find the password to open the file on the purchase order or you can request it from the responsible Siemens contact. For any specifications which are missing on this homepage, please request from the buyer responsible.
Hier erhalten Sie die für das Werk Mülheim gültigen technischen Liefervorschriften zum Download.
Das notwendige Passwort zum Öffnen der Datei wurde Ihnen mit der Bestellung mitgeteilt. Alternativ erhalten Sie dieses auch auf Anfrage von dem zuständigen Einkäufer. Fehlende Spezifikationen, die nicht auf der Homepage zu finden sind, fragen Sie bitte weiterhin bei dem zuständigen Einkäufer an.
Siemens Energy d.o.o.
Sjedište tvrtke: Slavonska Avenija 1A, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Uprava: Boris Miljavac, predsjednik Uprave; Laura Musić, članica Uprave
Tel: +385 1 6105603
Fax: +385 1 6040 631
IBAN: Zagrebačka banka d.d. HR7523600001102819568
Društvo je upisano u sudski registar Trgovačkog suda u Zagrebu pod br. 081265238.
Temeljni kapital: 2.700.000,00 EUR
MB 5152984, VAT ID HR18960883235,
OIB: 18960883235
Siemens Energy d.o.o.
Registered Office: Slavonska Avenija 1A, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Management Board: Boris Miljavac, Managing Director; Laura Musić, Finance Director
Tel: +385 1 6105 603
Fax: +385 1 6040 631
IBAN: Zagrebačka banka d.d. HR7523600001102819568
The company is entered in the court register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb under no. 081265238. Capital stock: 2.700.000,00EUR
Company number 5152984, VAT ID HR18960883235 , Personal Identification Number: 18960883235
Siemens Energy d.o.o. Beograd
Address: Tadije Sondermajera 11, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia
Representative: Petar Šainović – Managing Director, Zorka Damyanova Ivanova – Finance Director
Tel: +381 11 209 6096
Registered at the Agency for Business Registers, Republic of Serbia, Registry number: 95233/2019
Tax ID: 111656418, Company ID: 21517445
ISO Standards and company polices
Siemens Energy d.o.o. Beograd owns relevant ISO standards and company polices, available upon request to email address
Siemens Energy d.o.o.
Naslov: Letališka cesta 29C, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Zastopnika: Aleš Prešern – direktor, Laura Musić - Finančna direktorica
Tel: +386 30 353 332
Banka: UniCredit Banka Slovenija d.d, Šmartinska 140, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56290000053061767
Vpisano v sodni register pod številko : SRG 2019/32075. Osnovni kapital: 300.000 EUR
Matična številka: 8488339000, Davčna številka: SI10626824
Siemens Energy d.o.o.
Address: Letališka cesta 29C, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Representative: Aleš Prešern – General manager, Laura Musić – Financial director
Tel: +386 30 353 332
Bank details: UniCredit Banka Slovenija d.d, Šmartinska 140, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56290000053061767
The company is entered in the court register no. SRG 2019/32075. Share capital: 300.000EUR
Company number 8488339000, VAT ID SI10626824
These documents are used by the Energy Business to communicate information to the global supply chain network. These documents cover a diverse range of topics such as product legislation changes, new requirements regarding the supply of goods to the Energy Business, product quality requirements, component identification processes, banned chemicals and much more.
PDF versions of Siemens Energy, Inc. Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Goods and Services – USA.
Notice to Suppliers (NTS)
These documents are used by the Energy Business to communicate information to the global supply chain network. These documents cover a diverse range of topics such as product legislation changes, new requirements regarding the supply of goods to the Energy Business, product quality requirements, component identification processes, banned chemicals and much more.