Talking about steering her personal course with Team Purple, she reveals, “In the beginning, I worked as a commercial offer manager. Gradually, I took on more responsibilities from that perspective, particularly focusing on the offshore and wind businesses. I also very much enjoyed the task of being a buddy when new team members joined. My first leadership role was as a technical sales expert, where I was responsible for the sales of switchgear across Europe and Africa. Last October, we underwent an internal reorganization, which led to my current role. NowI am tasked with building a pricing department for Grid Technology business area. Sure, it’s a massive responsibility, but it’s also very rewarding and an incredible opportunity.” Moreover, Stefanie’s personal impact is very important to her. Practical and motivational inspiration go hand-in-hand with a sustainability-minded way of working. Visibly so, as Stefanie and her team aim for setting a cornerstone. As we inquire about her biggest achievements so far, she explains in more detail how everything’s inseparably connected: digitalization within the company portfolio, future-forward technologies such as artificial intelligence, and the common quest for net zero. Her team's purpose is to enable intelligent selling through analytical innovation and data-driven value creation.
“One memorable project that stands out is the pricing dashboard we’re currently developing. It's a smart tool that takes data from our CRM system to understand past, present, and future price developments, to create price transparency. It’s still vivid in my mind because just last week, we presented it to upper management. I felt like they acknowledged that we’re forming the pillars for future impact,” she goes on.