This document contains statements related to our future business and financial performance, and future events or developments involving Siemens Energy that may constitute forward-looking statements. These statements may be identified by words such as “expect,” “look forward to,” “antici-pate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “seek,” “estimate,” “will,” “project,” or words of similar meaning. We may also make forward-looking statements in other reports, prospectuses, in presentations, in material delivered to shareholders, and in press releases. In addition, our representatives may from time to time make oral forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on the current expectations and certain assumptions of Siemens Energy´s management, of which many are beyond Siemens Energy´s control. These are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and other factors, including, but not limited to, those described in disclosures, in particular in the chapter “Report on expected developments and associated material opportunities and risks” in the Annual Report and the Half-year Financial Report, which should be read in conjunction with the Annual Report. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, should acts of force majeure, such as pandemics, occur, or should underlying expectations including future events occur at a later date or not at all, or should assumptions not be met, Siemens Energy´s actual results, perfor-mance, or achievements may (negatively or positively) vary materially from those described explicitly or implicitly in the relevant forward-looking statement. Siemens Energy neither intends, nor assumes any obligation, to update or revise these forward-looking statements in light of develop-ments which differ from those anticipated. This document includes supplemental financial measures – that are not clearly defined in the applicable financial reporting framework – and that are or may be alternative performance measures (non-GAAP-measures). These supplemental financial measures should not be viewed in isolation or as alternatives to measures of Siemens Energy´s net assets and financial position or results of operations as presented in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework in its consolidated financial statements. Other companies that report or describe similarly titled alternative performance measures may calculate them differently. Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this and other documents may not add up precisely to the totals provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures.