Key visual for the Siemens Energy hymonic distributed ammonia cracking solution. Energy landscape with the production of green hydrogen from renewable sources like wind and solar, a ammonia synthesis facility, transport of liquid green ammonia, and the distributed ammonia cracking infrastructure next to a H2 fuel station.​

Ammonia cracking

Graphic of the milestones of the development and roll-out of hymonic ammonia cracking solution starting from 2021 until today. ​
Graphic showing 3 steps of green hydrogen/ green ammonia supply chain, starting from green ammonia synthesis, via transport and storage, through ammonia cracking to provide green hydrogen for industrial use.​
Diagram showing production cost range of renewable ammonia compared with production cost range for low-carbon fossil ammonia for the years 2020 to 2050. As for today the production cost range for renewable ammonia is still higher but the outlook shows that it will improve steadily per year and come closer to the production costs of low-carbon fossil ammonia.​
Bar diagram showing a comparison of the price range per unit of energy between different fuels. The indicated prices are based on average values from the years 2010 to 2020. The chart includes an outlook for renewable ammonia for the years 2030 and 2050. Here are lower price ranges predicted for the future.​
Diagram showing that the price per unit of energy will greatly increase for renewable ammonia in the years 2020 to 2050 while in comparison the price for fossils with CCS and fossils with no CCS will greatly decrease after a slight peak around the year 2040.​
The graphic shows 23 tube trailers each loaded with 300kg hydrogen in comparison with 1.6 tube trailers each loaded with 25t liquid ammonia. 25t liquid ammonia equate 4,400kg hydrogen per delivery.​
Photograph of  Kendra Rauschenberger
Icon for industry which has no hydrogen pipeline access therefore using ammonia as hydrogen carrier​
Icon for power supply off-grid with ammonia cracking solution onsite​
Icon for a ship where hydrogen is used for power supply and is stored in the form of ammonia which is cracked onsite​
Icon for a hydrogen fuel station with distributed ammonia cracking nearby​
Photograph of Dr. Zac Cesaro​
Photograph of Priya Gajadhar​
Photograph of Dr. Claus Krusch​
Photograph of Bastian Preusser​